Thursday, 5 November 2009

Training Day 9 - 5.11.09

I am really starting to struggle now. I dont know if its the fact that I only had 4 hours kip because my baby girl was unsettled or if I've over done it this week. My legs are aching and I'm feeling a little despondant as I've not lost any weight or any inches so far. Although I'm only on my 3rd week of training, I have been going to the gym for about 6 weeks now and Im not sure if I look any different. Maybe my legs and butt are more toned... Its my Belly thats getting me down.. Im doing lots of Core work but it doesn't seem to be having an effect.

On Saturday I am supposed to start week 4 which is a lot more running and I'm feeling slightly daunted.

I Must get my Positive Attitude back - PMA! (not PMT!)

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