Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Discipline and Determination

Today at the gym I understood the value of self discipline and determination. Self discipline is something I struggle with in many areas of my life but throughout everything that has gone on in the past 3 months, I have maintained my training towards my second 26 mile marathon. I've reached some incredibly low points at times but no matter how much I didn't want to leave the house, no matter how bad I felt, how tired I felt I still managed to find the strength inside me to not only get myself to the gym but to still push myself that little bit further mentally and physically each time.

Today was without a doubt my hardest gym session so far, although that is easily said now about every session since I do go a little further with each one. It was after I'd completed intensive interval training on the cross trainer and was halfway through my interval running that is epiphany happened. Sweat was pouring off me, I could feel my heart beating hard and breathing was becoming strained yet I still had half a session to go. It was at this point that I developed some kind of tunnel vision and just focused. I focused on the pain and I focused on how I'd made it this far in such difficult times and then I had a surge of energy. I worked through the intense pain and completed my session before proceeding onto the weights.

I have proved to myself that with discipline and determination, I can achieve anything. Now I am going to draw on this new found self knowledge and bring it into other areas of my life.

Finally, I have lost over a stone in weight too since the marathon in april (just over 3 months ago) and my body has gone through sigificant changes, I am completely toned.

Today I feel good.

1 comment:

zbsports said...

Definitely discipline sna determination is important because they are the key to success.