Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Training Day 44 - 02.03.10

I apologise to those of you who follow my blog, for not updating my last two training sessions. I have still been training but also on top of that have been preparing for the launch of our new clubwear range!

Well, for this session I decided to come off the cross trainer. Whilst the cross trainer helped me build strength in my legs whilst I recovered from my injury, It isn't going to strengthen the correct muscles for running.  So I did a flat out 30 minute run on the treadmil today.  I have been unwell and almost exhausted for the past 2 days due to picking up a bug and the 15 hour photoshoot on saturday!  But i felt better today, however i think I may have over done it slightly.  I was seriously struggling to breathe at about 20 mins into the run and I have never sweated so much in my life.  My legs and body could have kept going but today, my lungs couldn't.  Its very frustrating.  My heart rate peaked at nearly 190 which is too high to sustain but i was running as fast as my little legs would carry me.

After my run, I did lots of work on the weights. The gym was very busy, and I was concious of my bright red face and sweat and panting!  what I wasn't aware of was that I had forgotten to remove my make up before my session and had mascara runs all down my face :-/  Oh the shame!

Im trying to gear myself up mentally for my first ten mile run on sunday. Very excited and nervous about it. I've ordered some special running socks and a bright neon yellow running top and light weigh mac in case its raining.  I cant believe its only 9 weeks to go!!!

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