Sunday, 21 February 2010

Training Day 40 - 19.2.10

After what happened last week, I took a week off of the gym to recover. It did scare me and I had to re-build my confidence to go back there. I am so glad I did this because I had a really good session today.

On the cross trainer I decided, that rather than push my self beyond my limits and try to do to much, I would maintain a good pace and heart rate so that I could keep going without feeling like i was going to pass out.  I kept the speed interval resistance at number 5 with 180 strides per minute and the resistance interval at number 9, striding at 145-150 strides per minute.  My maximum heart rate was 163 but i averaged 153.  I broke a good sweat and at some points did feel myself getting weak but the 30 mintues went really fast.

Then came the good bit.. because I did not exhaust myself on the cross trainer, I was able to run for 20 mintues on the treadmill!  I think the week off, did me some good to be honest and gave my leg propper chance to heal.  The 20 mintues, was again interval training only this time I ran on the flat and jogged on the hill climb.

Following all this I did lots of leg and arm weights.

I feel very proud of myself today!

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