Sunday, 7 February 2010

Training Day 37 - 07.2.10

Considering I drank rather a large amount of alcohol last night, I was determined to go to the gym today and I surprised myself.  At first I was in two minds about whether to even enter the gym after I realised upon arrival that I'd forgotten my water and therefor any training I did would be without a drink until after the course.  Despite all this I managed 30 mintues flat out on the cross trainer, reaching a pace at one point of 200 strides per minute.  THEN ( I couldn't resist it, the machines were calling me) I had a 15 minute session on the treadmil.  It was a really weird experience to run again and I was praying my leg wouldn't start hurting again, which to my relief, it didn't! 

Im going to invest in a calf support over the next day or two then gently ease myself into the running, after working the cross trainer.  My legs are obviously getting stronger!  Its great!

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